Carbon Neutral for Third Consecutive Year

Benvic Group is pleased to announce that, for the third year in a row, we have completely offset our scopes 1 and 2 carbon emissions.

Offsetting our scopes 1 and 2 carbon emissions

Those emissions include the company’s direct emissions as well as indirect emissions related to the production of the energy we use. This achievement is particularly satisfying since we managed to reduce our emissions even as the group and our production experienced sustained growth.


A global effort recognised by our peers and by EcoVadis

We could not have done it without everyone contributing to the effort. Our departments and locations worked together to figure out the best ways to optimise our energy consumption and to find first-rate local sources of green energy. Sustainable growth, environmental consciousness and respectful business are part of Benvic Group’s vision for the future.

Thanks to our commendable environmental and social performances, Benvic Group has also earned a gold medal for 2022 in the independent assessment of our ESG practices by EcoVadis, the global reference for business sustainability ratings. This recognition inspires us to continue on our path of responsible leadership.

Streamlining Processes and Avoiding Waste

Carbon neutrality can be achieved first through reduction and second through compensation of CO2 emissions. At Benvic Group, emission reduction was and stays the main objective, as it is both the most impactful action and a valid business decision. Avoiding wasteful practices makes perfect sense from an ESG and a financial standpoint.

From the baseline established in 2020, we have managed to reduce our (scopes 1 and 2) CO2 emissions by a whopping 62.7% in 2022. One of the reasons for this success was the switch to green energy contracts for most of our sites. As of 2022, 5 out of 8 of our sites run on certified green energy, with purchases of guarantees of origin. This enabled us to considerably lessen our scope 2 emissions. To tackle scope 1 emissions, our ESG and innovation departments worked with local factories to identify sources of loss and waste and enhance our processes.

Investing in Natural Carbon Sinks

In order to compensate the remaining emissions, those that cannot be avoided, Benvic Group decided to invest in exemplary climate actions through the purchase of VCUs (verified carbon units)-one VCU corresponding to one ton of CO2 equivalent being removed from the atmosphere. We sponsored two projects relating to forest protection in South America through South Pole, one of the leaders in climate investments.

Bull Run Forest Protection aims to preserve the dense jungle of Belize, home to endangered species such as the jaguar, tapir, orange-breasted falcon and ocelot. The area was destined to become a large coffee farm, and the forest cut down. Instead, the Bull Run project safeguards hundreds of hectares of forest, as well as its flora, fauna, and precious watershed. The program also benefits the local population, by creating jobs in forest protection and providing educational support.

Envira Amazonia Tropical Forest Conservation fights against the rampant deforestation of the Amazon Forest. Located in the Brazilian State of Acre, a state rapidly opening up to the world and thus environmentally vulnerable, the project ensures the preservation of the forest and the improvement of the local population’s quality of life. Envira Amazonia implemented the installation of one health clinic and several bathrooms, and also hosts educational and community meetings.

Through these two projects, Benvic Group not only offsets its carbon emissions, but also contributes to a better world for everyone. One where the local population does not have to choose between their livelihood and the preservation of the environment.

Investing in Natural Carbon Sinks

Betting on the Future

While we are pleased to be scopes 1 and 2 carbon neutral, we are already looking towards the future and what can be improved. Benvic Group will continue to reduce its scopes 1 and 2 emissions, through concrete action such as upgrading water pumps and LED lighting, improving energy efficiency in all our factories, and purchasing guarantees of energy origin for all sites.

Scope 3 emissions (other indirect emissions in upstream and downstream activities of the company) represent a key challenge. We do not have direct control over these emissions, but there are options to mitigate them. In the future, we plan to select our main suppliers based on their commitment to the carbon footprint of their products. Logistics optimisation will allow to reduce transportation emissions. We also intend to ramp up recycling, thanks to our Ereplast technology and the generalisation of waste collection. The more we invest in recycling, the less raw materials we will need to use in our manufacturing process, the less CO2 will be emitted by the extraction of such materials. Finally, we will promote short circuit local economy, a model that empowers regional stakeholders and cuts down unnecessary emissions.

More, Forever, Naturally

Achieving and maintaining carbon neutrality is an important part of Benvic Group’s strategy for the future. We are proud of the progress we have made over the past years. It is the result of a group effort and it shows how the Group, its entities and its employees are aligned in this common goal. With their help, their expertise and their creativity, we are confident that we can achieve the net zero target in the future.